our history

Harbor Island Boatworks is a marine service business that handles all the maintenance needs of your boat. Our founder Gregory Futch decided to follow his fathers footsteps and started Harbor Island Boatworks back in 2017 . Our shop is located on capital drive but we do not have a office so we are by appointment only. We also do mobile maintenance work between Carolina Beach and Topsail Island.  Boats require a list of maintenance needs from motor servicing, detailing, bottom painting, etc.... We handle everything so you spend less time maintaining your boat and more time on the water. Ever since I was a kid I would go with my father on yacht deliveries up and down the east coast learning how to drive and manage boats.

Gregory Futch


With over 15 years experience working on boats our Founder Gregory has built a very good reputation in the boating and fishing industry. 

Captain Brent

With over 30 years of experience Brent is the right captain for you. Brent started his career as a delivery captain until he worked his way into yacht management and private captain services. Brent has a 200ton license and captains boats up to 200ft